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Debbie Giaschi |
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Deborah E. Giaschi Ph.D. |
Positions: |
Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences |
Investigator at BC Children's Hospital Research Institute |
Associate Member in the Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia |
Associate Member in the Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia |
Education: |
B.Sc. in Psychology/Zoology from the University of Toronto (1983) |
M.A. in Experimental Psychology from York University (1985) |
Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from York University (1989) |
Recent Talks: |
Visuomotor skills and reading in amblyopia. Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute Colloquium, San Francisco, CA, Zoom, April 2021. Patching-resistant deficits in amblyopia. Canadian Amblyopia Network meeting, University of British Columbia, May 2019. Patching-resistant deficits in amblyopia. Clinical and Translational Forum for Visual Development and Therapy, Wenzhou, China, October 2018. Visual contrast sensitivity in children with PKU. BCCH Biochemical Genetics Grand Rounds, July 2017. Neural correlates of motion perception deficits in amblyopia. VSS at ARVO workshop, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2017. Alternatives to patching for treatment of amblyopia. UBC Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, April 2017. The role of motion processing in understanding amblyopia and improving treatment outcomes. Gained in Translation summit meeting, Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, October 2015. Motion perception in children with amblyopia. Canadian Amblyopia Network meeting, University of Waterloo, June 2015. Multiple-object tracking in amblyopia. Mini-symposium, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Orlando, Florida, May 2014. The effect of speed on human motion processing. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Perception and Cognition, Peter Wall Institute, UBC, May, 2014. New binocular approaches to amblyopia treatment. Lions Eye Summit: Gained in Translation, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Washington, Sept 2013. Using motion perception in the assessment and treatment of amblyopia. Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus conference, Vancouver, BC, Sept 2013. Quantitative measurement of interocular suppression in children with amblyopia. Canadian Amblyopia Network meeting, University of Toronto, July 2012. Functional MRI and DTI in atypical visual development. Child and Family Research Institute Imaging Research conference, Vancouver, April 2012. Amblyopia: a new approach to an old problem. Developmental Neurosciences and Child Health Research Day, Child and Family Research Institute, Vancouver, October 2011. Testing, testing: the science behind clinical tests of stereopsis, contrast sensitivity and visual acuity. The Canadian Orthoptic Society Workshops, Vancouver, June 2011. What can we tell patients about 3D TV? The Canadian Orthoptic Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, June 2011. Developmental dyslexia. UBC Neuropsychiatry Grand Rounds, April 2011. The neural basis of motion perception deficits in amblyopia and developmental dyslexia. Vision Science Research Seminar, University of Waterloo, November 2010. |
Selected Refereed Publications |
(a) Journals |
Hou S, Zhang Y, Christian L,Niechwiej-Szwedo E, Giaschi D. (2022) Visuomotor control in children with amblyopia. Developmental Psychobiology, 64:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1002/dev.22270. Manning C, Meier K, Giaschi D. (2022) The reverse motion illusion in random dot motion displays and implications for understanding development. Journal of Illusion 3: 1-13; https://doi.org/10.47691/joi.v3.7916. Chakraborty A, Tran T, Silva A, Giaschi D, Thompson B. (2021) Continuous theta burst TMS of area MT+ impairs attentive motion tracking. European Journal of Neuroscience, 54(9), 7289-7300. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.15480. Tardif J, Watson M, Giaschi D, Gosselin F. (2021) The curve visible on the Campbell-Robson chart is not the contrast sensitivity function. Fronteirs in Neuroscience,15, https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2021.626466. Meier K, Sell D, Seemiller E, Giaschi D, Wilcox L, Candy R. (2021) The relationship between reflex eye realignment and the percept of single vision in young children. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 375. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78636-0 Ye XC, Roslin N, Paterson AD, Care4Rare Canada, Lyons C, Pegado V, Richmond P, Shyr C, Fornes O, Han X, Higginson M, Ross CJ, Giaschi D, Gregory-Evans CY, Patel MS, Wasserman WW. (2022) Linkage analysis identifies an isolated strabismus locus at 14q12 overlapping with FOXG1 syndrome region. Journal of Medical Genetics 59(1):46-55; DOI: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107226. Partanen M, DHC Kim, Rauscher A, Siegel LS, Giaschi DE (2021). White matter but not grey matter predicts change in reading skills after intervention. Dyslexia, 27(2), 224-244. https://doi.org/10.1002/dys.1668 Niechwiej-Szwedo E, Meier K, Christian L, Nouredanesh M, Tung J, Bryden P, & Giaschi D. (2020). Concurrent maturation of visuomotor skills and motion perception in typically-developing children and adolescents. Developmental Psychobiology, 62(3), 353-367. https://doi.org/10.1002/dev.21931 Shahin Y, Meier K, & Giaschi D. (2020). Effect of visual field location on global motion perception: A developmental study. Perception, 0(0), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/0301006620930901 Birch E, Jost R, Wang Y, Kelly K, & Giaschi D. (2019). Impaired fellow eye motion perception and abnormal binocular function. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60 (10), 3374-3380. https://doi.org/10.1167/IOVS.19-26885 Birch E, Kelly K, & Giaschi D. (2019). Fellow eye deficits in amblyopia. Journal of Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility, 69(3), 116-125. https://doi.org/10.1080/2576117X.2019.1624440 Kugathasan L, Partanen M, Chu V, Lyons C, Giaschi D. (2019) Reading ability of children treated for amblyopia. Vision Research, 156, 28-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2019.01.001 Meier K, Giaschi D. (2019) The Effect of Stimulus Area on Global Motion Thresholds in Children and Adults. Vision, 3(10), 1-11. c Partanen M, Siegel L, Giaschi D. (2019) Effect of reading intervention and task difficulty on orthographic and phonological reading systems in the brain. Neuropsychologia, 130, 13-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.07.018 Partanen M, Siegel L, & Giaschi D. (2019). Longitudinal outcomes of an individualized and intensive reading intervention for third grade students. Dyslexia, 25(3), 227-245. https://doi.org/10.1002/dys.1616 Chow A, Giaschi D, Thompson B. (2018) Dichoptic attentive motion tracking is biased toward the nonamblyopic eye in strabismic amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 59(11):4572-4580. https://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.18-25236 Meier K, Partanen M, Giaschi D. (2018) Neural correlates of speed-tuned motion perception in healthy adults. Perception, 47, 660-683. https://doi.org/10.1177/0301006618771463 Meier K, Giaschi D. (2017) Unilateral amblyopia affects two eyes: Fellow eye deficits in amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 58, 1779-1800. https://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.16-20964 Wilcox L, Hartle B, McKenzie K, Solski A, Giaschi D. (2017) Disparity configuration influences depth discrimination in naïve adults, but not children. Vision Research, 131, 106-119.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2016.12.010 Meier K, Sum B, Giaschi D. (2016) Global motion perception in children with amblyopia as a function of spatial and temporal stimulus parameters. Vision Research, 127, 18-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2016.06.011 Eckert M, Berninger V, Hoeft F, Vaden K, Dyslexia Data Consortium. (2016) A case of Bilateral Perisylvian Syndrome with reading disability. Cortex 76:121-124 (dyslexiadata.org) - DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.01.004 Giaschi, D., Chapman, C., Meier, K., Narasimhan, S., Regan, D. (2015). The effect of occlusion therapy on motion perception deficits in amblyopia.Vision Research, 114, 122-134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2015.05.015 Kaneko S, Giaschi D, Anstis S. (2015) Flicker adaptation or superimposition raises the apparent spatial frequency of coarse test gratings. Vision Research 108:85-92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2015.01.005 Mahon P, Holsti L, Siden H, Strahlendorf C, Turnham L, Giaschi D. (2015) Using colors to assess pain in toddlers: validation of “The Rainbow Pain Scale”—a proof-of-principle study. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 32:40-46. https://doi.org/10.1177/10434542145551 Meier K, Giaschi D. (2014) The maturation of global motion perception depends on the spatial and temporal offsets of the stimulus. Vision Research, 95, 61-67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2013.12.007 Giaschi D, Lo R, Narasimhan S, Lyons C, Wilcox L. (2013) Sparing of coarse stereopsis in stereodeficient children with a history of amblyopia. Journal of Vision, 13(10), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1167/13.10.17 Partanen M, Fitzpatrick K, Madler B, Edgell D, Bjornson B, Giaschi D. (2012) Cortical basis for dichotic pitch perception in developmental dyslexia. Brain and Language, 123,104-112.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bandl.2012.09.002 Narasimhan S, Harrison E, Giaschi D. (2012) Quantitative measurement of interocular suppression in children with amblyopia. Vision Research, 66, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2012.06.007 Narasimhan S, Giaschi D. (2012) The effect of dot speed and density on the development of global motion perception. Vision Research, 62, 102-107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2012.02.016 Secen J, Culham J, Ho C, Giaschi D. (2011) Neural correlates of the multiple-object tracking deficit in amblyopia. Vision Research, 518, 2517-2527. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2011.10.011 Hayward J, Truong G, Partanen M, Giaschi D. (2011) Effects of speed, age and amblyopia on the perception of motion-defined form. Vision Research, 51, 2216-23.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2011.08.023 Ho C, Giaschi D. (2009) Low- and high-level motion perception deficits in anisometropic and strabismic amblyopia: evidence from fMRI. Vision Research, 49, 2891-901. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2009.07.012 Lanyon L, Giaschi D, Au Young S, Fitzpatrick K, Diao L, Bjornson B, Barton J. (2009) Combined functional MRI & diffusion tensor imaging analysis of visual motion pathways. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology, 29, 96-103.DOI: 10.1097/WNO.0b013e3181a58ef8 Ho C, Giaschi D. (2009) Low- and high-level first-order random-dot kinematograms: evidence from fMRI. Vision Research, 49, 1814-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2009.04.018 Boden C, Giaschi D. (2009) The role of low-spatial frequencies in lexical decision and masked priming. Brain and Cognition, 69, 580-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bandc.2008.12.002 Iaria G, Lanyon L, Fox C, Giaschi D, Barton J. (2008) Navigational skills correlate with hippocampal fractional anisotropy in humans.Hippocampus, 18, 335-9. https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.20400 Wang J, Ho C, Giaschi D. (2007) Deficient motion-defined and texture-defined figure-ground segregation in amblyopic children. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 44, 363-71. Ho C, Giaschi D. (2007) Stereopsis-dependent deficits in maximum motion displacement in strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia. Vision Research, 47, 2778-85.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2007.07.008 Giaschi D, Zwicker A, Au Young S, Bjornson B. (2007) The role of cortical area V5/MT+ in speed-tuned directional anisotropies in global motion perception. Vision Research, 47, 887-98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2006.12.017 Boden C, Giaschi D. (2007) M-stream deficits and reading-related visual processes in developmental dyslexia. Psychological Bulletin, 133, 346-66. https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.133.2.346 Ho C, Giaschi D. (2006) Deficient maximum motion displacement in amblyopia. Vision Research, 46, 4595-603. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2006.09.025 Ho C, Paul P, Asirvatham A, Cavanagh P, Cline R, Giaschi D. (2006) Abnormal spatial selection and tracking in children with amblyopia. Vision Research, 46, 3274-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2006.03.029 Zwicker A, Hoag R, Edwards V, Boden C, Giaschi D. (2006) The effects of optical blur on motion and texture perception. Optometry and Vision Science, 83, 382-90.DOI: 10.1097/01.opx.0000222919.21909.1e Ho C, Giaschi D, Boden C, Dougherty R, Cline R, Lyons C. (2005) Deficient motion perception in the fellow eye of amblyopic children. Vision Research, 45,1615-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2004.12.009 Edwards V, Giaschi D, Low P, Edgell D. (2005) Sensory and non-sensory influences on children’s performance of dichotic pitch perception tasks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117, 3157-64. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.1861599 Parrish E, Giaschi D, Boden C, Dougherty D. (2005) The maturation of form and motion perception in school age children. Vision Research, 45, 827-37. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2004.10.005 Chapman C, Hoag R, Giaschi D. (2004) The effect of disrupting the human magnocellular pathway on global motion perception. Vision Research, 44, 2551-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2004.06.003 Visser T, Boden C, Giaschi D. (2004) Children with dyslexia: evidence for temporal processing deficits. Vision Research, 44, 2521-35. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2004.05.010 Tata M, Giaschi D. (2004) Warning: Attending to a mask may be hazardous to your perception. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 262-8. https://doi.org/10.3758/BF03196568 Edwards V, Giaschi D, Dougherty R, Edgell D, Bjornson B, Lyons C, Douglas R. (2004) Psychophysical indices of temporal processing abnormalities in children with dyslexia. Developmental Neuropsychology, 25, 321-54. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15326942dn2503_5 Giaschi D, Jan J, Bjornson B, Au Young S, Tata M, Good W, Lyons C, Wong P. (2003) Conscious visual abilities in a patient with early bilateral occipital damage. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 45, 772-8. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8749.2003.tb00888.x Dougherty R, Cynader M, Bjornson B, Edgell D, Giaschi D. (1998) Dichotic pitch revisited: A new stimulus distinguishes normal and dyslexic auditory function. Neuroreport, 9, 3001-5. Giaschi D, Regan D (1997) The development of motion-defined figure-ground segregation in preschool and older children, using a letter-identification task. Optometry and Vision Science 74:761-7. DOI: 10.1097/00006324-199709000-00024 Giaschi D, Lang A, Regan D (1997) Reversible dissociation of sensitivity to dynamic stimuli in Parkinson’s disease: is magnocellular function essential to reading motion-defined letters? Vision Research 37:3531-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0042-6989(96)00316-1 Giaschi D, Trope G, Kothe A, Hong X-H (1996) Loss of sensitivity to motion-defined form in patients with primary open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 13:707-16. Giaschi D, Douglas R, Marlin S, Cynader M (1993) The time course of direction-selective adaptation in simple and complex cells in cat striate cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 70:2024-34. https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.1993.70.5.2024 Regan D, Giaschi D, Fresco B (1993) Measurement of glare sensitivity in cataract patients using low-contrast letter charts. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 13:115-23. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-1313.1993.tb00439.x Giaschi D, Regan D, Kraft S, Kothe A (1993) Crowding and contrast in amblyopia. Optometry & Vision Science 70:192-7. DOI: 10.1097/00006324-199311000-00015 Regan D, Giaschi D, Fresco B (1993) Measurement of glare-susceptibility using low-contrast letters. Optometry & Vision Science 70:969-75. Regan D, Giaschi D, Kraft S, Kothe A (1992) Method for identifying amblyopes whose reduced line acuity is caused by defective selection and/or control of gaze. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 12:425-32. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-1313.1992.tb00311.x Giaschi D, Regan D, Kraft S, Hong X-H (1992) Defective processing of motion-defined form in the fellow eye of unilateral amblyopes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 33:2483-9. Regan D, Giaschi D, Sharpe J, Hong X-H (1992) Visual processing of motion-defined form: selective failure in patients with parieto-temporal lesions. Journal of Neuroscience 12:2198-210. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.12-06-02198.1992 Giaschi D, Regan D, Kothe A, Hong X-H, Sharpe J (1992) Motion-defined letter detection and recognition in patients with multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 31:621-8 https://doi.org/10.1002/ana.410310609 Giaschi D, Anstis S (1989) The less you see it, the faster it moves: Shortening the "on" time speeds up apparent motion. Vision Research 29:335-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/0042-6989(89)90082-5 Howard IP, Giaschi D, Murasugi CM (1989) Suppression of OKN and VOR by afterimages and imaginary objects. Experimental Brain Research 75:139-4534. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00248537 Anstis S, Giaschi D, Cogan A (1985) Adaptation to apparent motion. Vision Research 25:1051-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/0042-6989(85)90093-8 |
(b) Conference Presentations |
Asare A, Meier K, Lyons C, Mulholland C, Wilcox L, Giaschi D. (2024) Coarse stereopsis and eye alignment in strabismus. Vision Sciences Society accepted. Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Aksay A, Giaschi D, Wilcox L. (2024) Failures in depth magnitude estimation in 3D displays. Vision Sciences Society accepted. Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Kheradmandsaadi Z, Im HY, Giaschi D. (2024) Visuospatial processing, memory, and reasoning in poor readers. Cognitive Neuroscience Society accepted.Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Kim E, Kheradmandsaadi Z, Im HY, Giaschi D. (2024) A machine learning approach to classifying amblyopia and dyslexia based on functional connectivity patterns. Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Conference.Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Kheradmandsaadi Z, Im HY, Partanen M, Siegel S, Giaschi D. (2023) Effects of reading intervention on whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity in dyslexia. Organization for Human Brain Mapping.Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Im HY, Kheradmandsaadi Z, Asare A, Giaschi D. (2023) Mapping whole-brain functional connectomes in amblyopia and dyslexia using resting-state fMRI. Organization for Human Brain Mapping.Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Cook A, Aziz M, Zafar A, Giaschi D, Im HY. (2023) Developmental characteristics of visuomotor adaptation strategies in childhood. Journal of Vision 23(9):5966. Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Asare A, Ho C, Im HY, Giaschi D. (2023) Evaluation of motion perception and binocular vision following dichoptic treatment for amblyopia. Journal of Vision 23(9):5049. Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Asare A, Ho C, Im HY, Giaschi D. (2022) Assessing the efficacy of a binocular video game-based treatment for amblyopia. Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Kheradmandsaadi Z, Im HY, Partanen M, Giaschi D. (2022) Altered short- and long-range cortical functional connectivity in developmental dyslexia. Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Cook A, Aziz M, Zafar A, Giaschi D, Im HY. (2022) Visuomotor learning in children: a behavioural paradigm for pediatric neuroimaging research. Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day, abstract/poster. Kheradmandsaadi Z, Im HY, Partanen M, Siegel S, Giaschi D. (2022) Resting-state functional connectivity of language and dorsal visual regions in child poor readers. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Asare A, Chem N, Im HY, Giaschi D. (2022) Neural correlates of the motion-defined form deficit in the fellow eye of adults with amblyopia. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Asare A, Meier K, Chang EC, Mulholland C, Lyons C, Wilcox L, Giaschi D. (2022) Coarse stereopsis prior to strabismus surgery is associated with post-surgical ocular alignment in children. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(7):3668. Mestre C, Neupane S, Bonnen K, Giaschi D, Wilcox LM, Candy TR. (2022) The effect of anisometropia on reflex vergence movement. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(7):2776. Shahin Y, Chang EC, Watson M, Yuskiv N, Stockler S, Giaschi D. (2021) Assessment of contrast sensitivity in children with phenylketonuria. Journal of Vision 21(9):2776. https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.21.9.2776 Hou S, Zhang Y, Christian L,Niechwiej-Szwedo E, Giaschi D. (2021) Evaluating visuomotor coordination in children with amblyopia. Journal of Vision 21(9):1999. https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.21.9.1999 Mestre C,Neupane S, Giaschi D, Wilcox LM, Candy TR (2021) The effect of spherical defocus on vergence and diplopia in adults and children. Optical Society Fall Vision meeting. Shahin Y, Chang EC, Watson M, Yuskiv N, Stockler S, Giaschi D. (2021) Assessment of contrast sensitivity in children with phenylketonuria. Journal of Vision 21(9):2776. Hou S, Zhang Y, Christian L,Niechwiej-Szwedo E, Giaschi D. (2021) Evaluating visuomotor coordination in children with amblyopia. Journal of Vision 21(9):1999. Mestre C, Neupane S, Giaschi D, Wilcox LM, Candy TR (2021) The impact of spherical defocus on diplopia and vergence. Journal of Vision 21(9):2802. Chakraborty A, Javadian F, Wilcox L, Giaschi D. (2019) Evidence from amblyopia for shared processing of motion perception and stereopsis. Journal of Vision 19:166d Ho C, Shahin Y, Reis H, Grenier S, Giaschi D. (2019) Binocular treatment for amblyopia in adults and children with low-pass filtering when occlusion therapy fails. IOVS 60:218 Javadian F, Chakraborty A, Giaschi D (2019) Do motion perception and binocular function share common processing mechanisms? Journal of Investigative Medicine 67:227 Meier K, Sell D, Seemiller E, Giaschi D, Wilcox L, Candy R. (2019) Reflexive vergence responses to absolute disparity stimuli in 3- and 5-year old children. Journal of Vision 19:61 Meier K, Spering M, Giaschi D. (2019) Fixation stability is not related to global motion deficits in amblyopia. IOVS 60:1026 Shahin Y, Meier K, Giaschi D. (2019) The effect of visual field location and speed on global motion perception in children and adults. IOVS 60:4375 Chakraborty A, Tran T, Giaschi D, Thompson B. (2018) Continuous theta burst TMS of area MT impairs attentive motion tracking. Canadian Society for Neuroscience Satellite Symposium, Perception and Action in Self and Other. Chang K, Meier K, Giaschi D. (2018) The effect of stimulus area on global motion thresholds in children and adults. Canadian Society for Neuroscience Satellite Symposium, Perception and Action in Self and Other. Kugathasan L, Partanen M, Chu V, Lyons C, Giaschi D. (2018) Reading ability of children treated for amblyopia. Canadian Society for Neuroscience Satellite Symposium, Perception and Action in Self and Other. Shahin Y, Meier K, Giaschi D. (2018) The effect of visual hemifield on global motion perception: A developmental study. Canadian Society for Neuroscience Satellite Symposium, Perception and Action in Self and Other. Tardif J, Kugathasan L, Gosselin F, Giaschi D. (2018) Developmental of the contrast sensitivity function. Journal of Vision 18(10):778. https://doi.org/10.1167/18.10.778 Giaschi D, Meier M, Chu V, Bryden P, Niechwiej-Szwedo E. (2018) Maturation of visuomotor coordination and motion-defined form perception in typically-developing children. Journal of Vision 18(10):779. Meier K, Giaschi D, Spering M. (2018) Fixation stability during global motion discrimination tasks. Journal of Vision 18(10):1281. Chow A, Giaschi D, Thompson B. (2018) Attention is biased towards the fellow eye in strabismic amblyopia. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 59(9):5958. Meier K, Giaschi D, Spering M (2017) Global motion discrimination and fixation stability in amblyopia. Gordon Eye Movement Conference Giaschi D, Partanen M, Kugathasan L, Chu V, Lyons C. (2017) Reading ability of children treated for amblyopia. Journal of Vision 17(10):635. Meier K, Javadian F, Chang K, Giaschi D. (2017) The effect of stimulus area on global motion thresholds in children and adults. Journal of Vision 17(10):435. Meier, K., Giaschi, D., Wilcox, L.M., Seemiller, E.S., Candy, T.R. (2016). Vergence responses to fine and coarse disparities: Adult-like tuning functions at 5 years of age. Vision Sciences Society. Meier, K., Sum, B., Wilcox, L.M., Giaschi, D. (2016). Sparing of coarse stereopsis in stereodeficient children depends on amblyogenic factors. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Meier, K., Sum, B., Giaschi, D. (2015). Global motion perception deficits in children with amblyopia as a function of spatial and temporal stimulus parameters. Vision Sciences Society. Meier, K., Tahmasebi, S., Giaschi, D. (2015). The maturation of global motion perception in school-aged children. Child Vision Research Society. Meier M, Qiao G, Wilcox L, Giaschi D. (2014) Coarse stereopsis reveals residual binocular function in children with strabismus. Vision Sciences Society. Giaschi D, Chapman C, Narasimhan S, Ho C, Lyons C, Regan D. (2013) Motion perception deficits and occlusion therapy for amblyopia. Child Vision Research Society. Meier K, Giaschi D. (2013) Resolving inconsistencies in human global motion maturation. Child Vision Research Society. Meier K, Partanen M, Lo R, Giaschi D. (2013) Neural correlates of speed-tuned differences in global motion and motion-defined form perception. Journal of Vision 13(9):360. doi: 10.1167/13.9.360 Wilcox L, Redwood J, Giaschi D. (2013) Does the loss of sensory fusion demarcate fine vs coarse processing? Journal of Vision 13(9):1178. doi: 10.1167/13.9.1178 Partanen M, Bjornson B, Edgell D, Giaschi D. (2013) Effect of difficulty on orthographic and phonological single-word reading activation in developmental dyslexia. Human Brain Mapping Conference. Giaschi D, Narasimhan S. (2012) Using motion perception in the treatment of amblyopia. International Orthoptic Congress. Solski A, Giaschi D, Wilcox L. (2010) Perceptual grouping leads to depth discrimination deficits in adults, not children. Journal of Vision 10(7): 367 doi:10.1167/10.7.367 Partanen M, Edgell D, Bjornson B, Giaschi D. (2010) Cortical systems utilized for reading and temporal processing in developmental dyslexia. Cognitive Neuroscience Conference. |
Book Chapters |
Email address: giaschi@mail.ubc.ca
Phone: 604-875-2345 (ext 7807)
Fax: 604-875-2683
Snail Mail: Department of Ophthalmology
(Room E300E),
4480 Oak Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6H 3V4 CANADA |